Articles and Clips

This page is used to collect key articles published in international media about the Gaza slaughter enacted by the Israeli government. It is being coninously updated. Author names in RED indicate support of the attack on Gaza September 5, 2014 Academic Boycott of Israel – Stand up and be counted! by Haim Bresheeth, in University World News, … Continue reading Articles and Clips

A Call to Stop Indiscriminate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians by the Israeli Military Forces

Today, the citizeens of Hiroshima published this call:  A Call to Stop Indiscriminate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians by the Israeli Military Forces We the citizens of Hiroshima, the city that was completely destroyed by indiscriminate atomic bombing 69 years ago, demand that the Israeli Government immediately stops indiscriminately killing and injuring Palestinian civilians. So far … Continue reading A Call to Stop Indiscriminate Attacks on Palestinian Civilians by the Israeli Military Forces

April 5, 2013

EDITOR: Gaza suffers again, without any ill-effect in Israel after their brutal attack this week Immediately after the limp and submissive Obama visit, with its ‘eternal love for Israel’ theme, Israel returned to the fold, reminding us who is boss in the Middle East… Thank you, Obama, for being the non-entity which allows Israel to … Continue reading April 5, 2013